Sunday. 7.35 am.
Shell Station Jalan Duta Toll.
Ayie already wait for me with calm. I'm late half an hour. Suppose to meet by 7.00 am but I'm just arrive by 7.35 am... my alarm clock is not ringing! or maybe I'm just sleeping dead! At the pit stop sunday morning, I'm watching yellowish ferrari stop by and fuel-up the red fuel. Not so young guy with white hair walk to the counter and paid the gas! From far I can see he's accompanied by his young boy inside the cockpit... probably around 7-9 years old kid. Hmm... a million ringgit on the wheels! So this could be a Sunday Morning Drive at the speed more than 200-km/h! A good exposure for the kid? All the best amigos! My focus today is just ride and climb Cameron Highlands. Fizi, cannot make it today. He just got dizzy last nite. So from 3 bike now become only me and Ayie. We plan to ride until Simpang Pulai and climb up from there. The road is wider compare if you take it from Tapah. Narrow and sharp corner. Make sure your horn is function if you climb from Tapah... coz you ain't see nothing in front of your road surrounded by the hill's slope!
7.50 am
The Journey Begin
So we fire-up our engines and start riding. Cameron Highlands here we come. From Jalan Duta towards Sungai Buloh, the weather is ultimate clear. I don't know how fast I go coz my speedo meter is dead! We past by Sungai Buloh proudly... and I saw road signage mention about Tanjung Malim 70-km ahead. Somewhere in the mid of Rawang and Bukit Beruntung, I can see a nasty foggy in front of me. Yeah... it should be cold up there.
8.20 am (my wild guess)
I'm just start not feel uncomfortable with my bike. The bike feel sluggish every-time I'm trying to unleash the beast inside my engine. That's cannot be! Last time I'm ride there's no problem at all! My exhaust is screaming! Something is not right... After Rawang R&R, towards to Tanjung Malim the more I'm pushing my throttle, the engine is not cooperate between them! The exhaust is shouting at me and the engine is angry with me. They both is fighting to me! Again, I'm just keep pushing and suddenly the bike start jerking! Holy-cow... don't jammed please. So I start slowing down my Bobber, move to the emergency lane and we stop below somewhere one of the bridge-junction in the middle of highway. I got no clue what is wrong with my Bobber. Everything looks fine to my eye.
Ayie, ask me to switch-off the engine and start-up again and he show me who's the culprit make my engine feeling bad. Below my sportster tank, there is standard XV535 carb. With two diaphram and chrome but is sweating! One of the rubber-hose manifold joint to carburator is cracking. The more I'm pressing the throttle, I can see a bubble of water came out from that rubber-hose. Oh no... how I'm going to climb up that mountain if my carb is giving me some 'snoring'? Finally, we decide not to go ahead and just make a turn back. This is seem like I saw in the 'Great Biker Build-Off'... not everything you have done in your bike is perfect! They just a machine! So I need to replace my carb asap. I need t replace it with my Harley Keihin SU type of carb that I bought from ebay last time.(I pray to god, please don't give me trouble on the way back home!)
8.45 am
With broken-heart, I've to cancel my trip to Cameroon Highlands, we just half way to reach there! I'm not a risk taker into certain extent coz hell no my friend will push my bike up there! Here gone my plan to sip some Cameron Highlands fresh tea and some english breakfast with half boil egg and sausages at the hills! Damn it. In my mind, I'm just cursing my rubber-host carb! Why must cracking this time of hour or today? Why not later or when I'm reach home with dozen of strawberry? But I'm not shouting back. Keep calm and turn back. So we head to Tanjung Malim....
9.15 am
We arrive Sabak Bernam exit and and take old road to Tanjung Malim small town. We passed by Proton City (First Malaysian National Car maker) and I feel the road is slower me down or maybe the town itself.... and I can see from my left side the famous pau restaurant that been talking a lot by bikers... it remind me on of my friend story. This guy called 'Burn' ride his white stallion Titan from Kuala Lumpur to Tanjung Malim just to have a tea break and some pau 'kacang merah' (red bean). Because that pau so tasty and he need to have a pee and other business... so he when to the Dr. Tan and Das (toilet). I'm not going to tell what happening inside the toilet but this is what he told me: "Because I'm got money, I've a semi automatic pistol with license and can carried every where I go. That day, my stomach give some trouble, so I just went inside do my business and go. Before that I hang my pistol on top of the toilet flush. After continue back my tea and some cigarettes, I decide to ride back to Kuala Lumpur. By the time I reached Sungai Buloh, I realise that my pistol is not with me! Shit, I've to make a U-turn!" He told me again, "When I'm arrive back, I'm asking that Tauke about my pistol and he says the policeman already take your gun. My worker panic like hell when he saw the pistol hanging beside toilet flush! F**k! I got big trouble now!" So in the end police release his pistol with warning. I'll continue this story again how he lose his gun again if I'm writing about ride to Awana....
10.05 am
We decide to have a breakfast at Rawang. So we went look-out any restaurant in Rawang... could be some rare type of restaurant or maybe famous in Rawang but end up at one of the 'mamak' restaurant. So we had 'roti sardin', 'roti telur', half boil egg, 'teh tarik' and 'nesfcafe tarik'. We just take an hour break. I decide to drop by at Mail Shops. This workshops is so called official workshops for all Lanun Bikerz member. So we head to this shops. We suspect Mail is not back yet from Phuket Bike Fest. But his worker, Man 'Macha' is business as usual. I need him to check my carb and dismantle my front fender. Rubbing my white wall tyre. Guess what, Mail is back! But he is not around. Hmm... no 'ole-ole' for me from Phuket? I doubt so! So Man 'Macha' tried to figure it out what happening to my bike. Mail Shops don't keep spare parts. If you need that item you need to order it first then fix it. Today is Sunday, no spare part shops is open today. And I guess, my intake rubber-hose may need to order straight from Hong Leong Yamaha. So monday only can check the price and stock available. What the hell.
12.30 pm
The cloud now turn grey from silky white sky. Ayie, suggested let's move before heavy rain hit the road. So we did. After 120Km journey, I forget to fuel-up my gas tank. Somewhere in the middle of reserve jungle at Tampler Park, my bike is pulling me off. Shit, what is wrong with me today? No choice, I've push back my bike to nearby petrol station which is close to Mail Shops. In this case, we have use a so called technics to push my bike... it's called using leg! Yeah, Ayie is pushing my bike using his leg while ride his bike at 5 km/h! No kidding that's the only way if not I'm just die tired! Not easy to push that bike man. Cut the story, we make it to the gas station. Paid the gas and quickly pull the gas nozzle and we hit the road again. And the rain is start coming down....
1.15 pm
Goin Home
Dark cloud, freezing and wet that's what happen to us. We got no choice to just ride while heavy raining fire at will at us. With slippery road, heavy water drops at our face and my wet underpants is not comfort at all while you riding. Gosh... I need to rush home badly. Ayie, leads the way and we just take easy ride coz think safety first before any bad happen came to you. I don't want to get crash in this time of situation. Especially the road is wet! 1.20 pm Something In The Way So far, the engine is running good in wet conditions. Everything looks fine until we passed by Shell Station and take some slow cornering. Without warning, the danger is in front of us! What I still remember, there's one white Perodua Kancil (re-badge Dhaihastu car) is over take us and followed by blue proton saga (we called it 'kereta tank') and suddenly I can clearly see that blue car is start become nasty! That car is skidding! And start turning 90 degree and some how it looks like it will facing at us and bang! He hit his left side devider and hit the other devider and the action stunt stop! At that moment, I'm just let the time stopping us. Everything happen in fast mode but it feel like slow motion and I'm just hope me and Ayie will not get crash just because of that! Luckily we survive. We stop our bike same spot that car hit the first devider. Car headlamps, bumper and some sprinkle of glass is on the road. Deep inside of me think, please don't die Mr. Blue Saga driver. That kind of impact, is consider 50-50 to be alive or dead on the spot or in better words die in cash! And thank god that driver is alive. He manage get out from his car, and we just continue back our journey goin home. After a while, we stop below the bridge but we decide to continue our ride coz it feel not safe.
2.00 pm
MRRT2 Highway
Oh dear, I can't see anything in front of me except red light from rear head lamp cars. It become worst when I'm climb up fly-over beside Batu Caves. The rain become heavier and my trauma is not relief yet. Please god, don't give me more trouble on the road again. I told to myself, "Be strong, you can made it. Just ride calmly, alert everything surround you and just keep riding". And yes, there's blue sky in front of me. I can't believe it by the time I'm reach Setiawangsa, the cloud is clear and hot. No rain at all! Well you can't fight with a mother nature and I guess, why lately we are blessed by the rain simple because of global warming around the world and Malaysia is one of them. We can feel hot weather at 40 degree and cold as at 25 degree. This is confusing. But I thank god that I'm survive.
On that day rides, I forgot to bring my camera so I ask my friend Zahid to re-shoot again the road that almost kill me and ayie.
Mana gambo motonya... gambo pemandangan jer... anyway that's must be cool ride i guess.. he he he