I'm still shock until now when I heard that Lee was past away 2 days before the events. I heard that he's died coz of heart attack. And the sad part is, he just finish build his bike just to be participate on KLIBW09. And all we have here today, is the last bike that he build for himself. And become the best of custom bike of the day. It remind me the first time I met him. That time his chop shop is just facing MRR2 highway (kampung pandan), where eone bikers chop shop locate currently before Lee Bikers moving to Jalan Pahang. Lee, goodbye.
While I'm sneaking one by one booth at KLIBW09, my eye can't resist to look closely! Bob from Independent MC fly this guy 'Freeflow' exclusively from Bali, Indonesia I guess. Really admire on his hand stable pinstriping the bike live show! Seem his doing this for ages! Awesome job... argh... why I don't bring along my bike again....
all the metal-flake pinstriping helmet is for sale! starting price from RM500 above depends on design and colors! Ops! I forgot bring Bob callcard! I left it at home. Sigh!
Well, there's ain't no smoke if you not burn-out your rubber! This ritual only can be seen in the events such like these! A bike week or what ever they called. Those guys from Zero Singapore have some balls to burn out their tire so that can have a new wheel! Respect!
Small commandos from singapore... they are elite... zero squadron!
Warm-up your wheels at the grass... have some smoke...
Bai Long watching his comrade doing some fun part...
I've to admit that these volks is kickass! Flat black paint with gold stripe... purely "garang!" and added with red and white pinstripe is awesome! Probably with white-wall tire will looks handsome. Just guessing. Enjoy!
Peeping to the engine inside... turbo charge? You guess it!
Remember the blue justice bike own by Rahim Bukit Botak Garage? Well, he's paint it again his horse to Blue Justice colour, but this time added metal flake and pinstriping! Fully painted at Bali, Indonesia! Pinstripe by Freeflow! I wish I can paint to metal flake too...